Thursday, May 19, 2011

Preview of Exciting Blogs to Come

Since I always have a plethora of fun and interesting stories to tell from all my adventures, I decided to blog said stories instead of telling them accurately and excitingly the first time around, and then turning it into a short, nondescript summary by the 1239392840 time. Anyway, here are a few things you might want to know before I embark on my European journey!

Wait, where are you going again?
Orvieto, Umbria, Italy. It's a hilltop town halfway between Florence and Rome (about 90 miles from each).

Cool, how long are you staying there?
Orvieto for five weeks, then my own traveling to Paris for one night and London for two.

Do you get to travel around Italy and stuff?
Yes. We are taking weekly fieldtrips around Italy, more on that as they come.

Can I call or text you while you're there?
No! Well, technically, yes, but it will cost us both more money than we'd like. So just try to refrain if you can (I know, it's hard), but there are other ways to contact me and my phone will work if you need to reach me urgently. The best ways to contact me while I'm in Italy are:
Skype: caitlingee91
I don't know my exact internet situation in Orvieto, but I will assess and let you all know. I also have an Italian mailing address so if you would like to send me "snail mail" I can get that to you (don't ask how much postage is needed because I have no idea). But seriously, feel free to contact me in the listed ways, I will miss you.

You're gonna post pictures on this blog, right?
Yes. Hopefully. I'm not technologically inclined, so if I can figure out how, I definitely will.

Great! Anything else?
Nope. Just that I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures and feel free to leave comments with questions or love professions.

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